Gitte Kristiansen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Gitte Kristiansen plays a role.



Jurado-Bravo, María Ángeles and Gitte Kristiansen 2019 Chapter 7. ASPA Tools or how to measure foreign-accentedness and intelligibility in an objective mannerLanguage Variation - European Perspectives VII: Selected papers from the Ninth International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 9), Malaga, June 2017, Villena-Ponsoda, Juan-Andrés, Francisco Díaz Montesinos, Antonio Manuel Ávila-Muñoz and Matilde Vida-Castro (eds.), pp. 119–132 | Chapter
Dialectometry has traditionally been examined from the perspective of the dialects and accents of a single language or related languages. However, foreign accents still remain understudied within this paradigm (see section 2 and Wieling et al. 2014 for an exception). In this chapter we… read more
While empirical research on attitudes towards languages and linguistic varieties has become increasingly popular from the 1960s onwards (e.g. Lambert, Hodgson, Gardner, & Fillenbaum, 1960), experimental investigations into the ability to correctly identify the origin of speakers are in… read more
Over the past decades, sociolinguists and Cognitive Linguists have shifted their attention to individual differences and intra-speaker variation (Hernández-­Campoy & Cutillas-Espinosa 2013; Barlow 2013). This chapter aims to add to this trend by conducting a bottom-up analysis of the speech of… read more