Alice Mitchell

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alice Mitchell plays a role.


Anthropological Linguistics: Perspectives from Africa

Edited by Andrea Hollington, Alice Mitchell and Nico Nassenstein

[Culture and Language Use, 23] 2024. xiii, 485 pp.
Subjects Anthropological Linguistics


Mitchell, Alice and Nicola Zimmermann 2024 Chapter 4. Mouths, tongues, and ears: Source concepts for ‘language’ across AfricaAnthropological Linguistics: Perspectives from Africa, Hollington, Andrea, Alice Mitchell and Nico Nassenstein (eds.), pp. 83–103 | Chapter
This paper investigates words for ‘language’ and their possible source concepts in 130 African languages. Radden (2001) noted that words for ‘language’ almost always draw on more basic meanings and proposed a metonymic chain from (i) speech organs to (ii) speaking as activity to (iii) speech as… read more
Nassenstein, Nico, Alice Mitchell and Andrea Hollington 2024 Chapter 1. IntroductionAnthropological Linguistics: Perspectives from Africa, Hollington, Andrea, Alice Mitchell and Nico Nassenstein (eds.), pp. 1–28 | Chapter
The study of African languages, cultural practices and speakers’ conceptualizations is complex and multilayered. This introductory chapter provides an overview of the goals and scope of the volume. It also offers a short historical survey of anthropological linguistics as well as some… read more