Lidia Almeida Barros

List of John Benjamins publications for which Lidia Almeida Barros plays a role.


Curti-Contessoto, Beatriz, Isabelle de Oliveira and Lidia Almeida Barros 2021 Changes in the concept designated by the term mariage civil throughout the history of French law 1791–2013Terminology as a Societal Resource: Possibilities and Responsibilities in a Changing World, Pilke, Nina, Niina Nissilä and Hans Landqvist (eds.), pp. 140–162 | Article
In 1791, the term mariage civil first appeared in French law in order to designate a civil and secular union recognised only by the State. After the introduction of this term into the French legal domain, there were legislative changes regarding the rules of civil marriages over the following… read more