Dingkun Wang

List of John Benjamins publications for which Dingkun Wang plays a role.


Wang, Dingkun and Xiaochun Zhang 2024 Towards a practice of translanguaging subtitling for the mediatised articulation of  fangyanTarget 36:3, pp. 352–375 | Article
This article addresses an underexplored intersection between subtitling and translanguaging with reference to the representation of diverse Chinese fangyan in hip-hop music videos. Drawing on recent progress in the intersection between translanguaging and Translation Studies, the article… read more
Wang, Dingkun and Xiaochun Zhang 2017 Fansubbing in China: Technology-facilitated activism in translationTranslation in times of technocapitalism, Baumgarten, Stefan and Jordi Cornellà-Detrell (eds.), pp. 301–318 | Article
This paper seeks to explore the socio-political tensions between freedom and constraints in the Chinese fansubbing networks. It approaches the development of fansubbing in China as a process of technology democratisation with the potential to liberate ordinary citizens from authoritarian and… read more