Nicole Tracy-Ventura

List of John Benjamins publications for which Nicole Tracy-Ventura plays a role.


Larsson, Tove, Shawn Loewen, Rhonda Oliver, Miyuki Sasaki, Nicole Tracy-Ventura and Luke Plonsky 2020 Chapter 5. Towards achieving work-life balance in academia: Comments and personal essays from six applied linguistsProfessional Development in Applied Linguistics: A guide to success for graduate students and early career faculty, Plonsky, Luke (ed.), pp. 49–64 | Chapter
The competing demands of teaching, research, and service seem to never end. Consequently, as academics, we often find ourselves feeling unable to realize our professional goals while also maintaining a life outside of work. Recognizing that there is no one-size-fits-all way to achieve or… read more
Tracy-Ventura, Nicole and Jhon A. Cuesta Medina 2020 Can native-speaker corpora help explain L2 acquisition of tense and aspect? A study of the “input”Tense and Aspect in Second Language Acquisition and Learner Corpus Research, Fuchs, Robert and Valentin Werner (eds.), pp. 135–158 | Chapter
This study investigates the distributional patterns of verb form frequencies in the Spanish past tense (the Preterit and the Imperfect) in the Corpus del Español (Davies, 2002). Following a usage-based approach, we examine the potential influence of input frequency as a driving factor in L2… read more
Huensch, Amanda, Nicole Tracy-Ventura, Judith Bridges and Jhon A. Cuesta Medina 2019 Variables affecting the maintenance of L2 proficiency and fluency four years post-study abroadLanguage learning and interactional experiences in Study Abroad settings, Salaberry, M. Rafael, Kate White and Alfred Rue Burch (eds.), pp. 96–125 | Article
This study explored the attrition / maintenance of second language (L2) proficiency by examining longitudinally the oral skills of a group of L2 French and L2 Spanish participants (n = 33) four years after study abroad, and three years after completing an undergraduate degree in languages.… read more
Tracy-Ventura, Nicole and Amanda Huensch 2018 Chapter 6. The potential of publicly shared longitudinal learner corpora in SLA researchCritical Reflections on Data in Second Language Acquisition, Gudmestad, Aarnes and Amanda Edmonds (eds.), pp. 149–170 | Chapter
Most second language acquisition (SLA) researchers would agree that longitudinal data can potentially yield the most valuable insights into second-language development, yet few longitudinal studies exist. It is also rare to find longitudinal studies with data collected beyond the one year mark. In… read more
Tracy-Ventura, Nicole and Jhon A. Cuesta Medina 2018 Can native-speaker corpora help explain L2 acquisition of tense and aspect? A study of the “input”Tense and aspect in Second Language Acquisition and Learner Corpus Research, Fuchs, Robert and Valentin Werner (eds.), pp. 277–300 | Article
This study investigates the distributional patterns of verb form frequencies in the Spanish past tense (the Preterit and the Imperfect) in the Corpus del Español (Davies, 2002). Following a usage-based approach, we examine the potential influence of input frequency as a driving factor in L2… read more
Tracy-Ventura, Nicole, Jean-Marc Dewaele, Zeynep Köylü and Kevin McManus 2016 Personality changes after the ‘year abroad’? A mixed-methods studyStudy Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education 1:1, pp. 107–127 | Article
This study utilizes a mixed-methods approach to investigate personality changes of British undergraduate students who spent their third year abroad in a French or Spanish-speaking country. Personality changes were measured quantitatively using the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire (MPQ, Van… read more
Tracy-Ventura, Nicole, Rosamond Mitchell and Kevin McManus 2016 The LANGSNAP longitudinal learner corpus: Design and useSpanish Learner Corpus Research: Current trends and future perspectives, Alonso-Ramos, Margarita (ed.), pp. 117–142 | Article
This chapter describes a new longitudinal corpus of L2 Spanish, which includes spoken and written data from the same learners, and was gathered in a residence/study abroad setting. The corpus was created as part of the Languages and Social Networks Abroad Project (LANGSNAP) which traced the… read more
This cross-sectional study investigates task variability focusing on the use of Spanish past tense morphology in a spoken learner corpus. Sixty L2 learners of Spanish (English L1) from three different proficiency levels (20 per group) and fifteen native speakers completed three communicative tasks… read more
A main prediction of the Cognition Hypothesis is that individual differences will influence learners’ perceptions of task difficulty and, as a result, affect performance and learning as task complexity is increased. To date, little research has investigated this claim, leaving open the question… read more
Keck, Casey, Gina Iberri-Shea, Nicole Tracy-Ventura and Safary Wa-Mbaleka 2006 3. Investigating the empirical link between task-based interaction and acquisition: A meta-analysisSynthesizing Research on Language Learning and Teaching, Norris, John M. and Lourdes Ortega (eds.), pp. 91–131 | Chapter