Peter Hallman

List of John Benjamins publications for which Peter Hallman plays a role.

Book series

In this paper, I document a degree-equative construction in contemporary Syrian Arabic. This construction is headed by the noun ʔadd meaning ‘size’ or ‘extent’, but I demonstrate extensive parallels in distribution between ʔadd and the comparative phrase aktar min ‘more than’. These parallels… read more
This paper explores the distribution and interpretation of active and passive participles in contemporary Syrian Arabic. The fact that Syrian Arabic participles license objective Case suggests they are ‘verbal’ participles, i.e. verbs ‘disguised’ as adjectives. However, a detailed investigation… read more
Hallman, Peter 2002 12. Passive in Arabic and EnglishMorphology 2000: Selected papers from the 9th Morphology Meeting, Vienna, 24–28 February 2000, Bendjaballah, Sabrina, Wolfgang U. Dressler, Oskar E. Pfeiffer and Maria D. Voeikova (eds.), pp. 149–160 | Chapter
Hallman, Peter 1997 Reiterative syntaxClitics, Pronouns and Movement, Black, James R. and Virginia Motapanyane (eds.), pp. 87–132 | Article