Lynne Hansen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Lynne Hansen plays a role.


Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching
This study compares L2 acquisition and attrition sequences of the syntax and semantics of numeral classifier systems in light of considerations of markedness, frequency, and the regression hypothesis. In classifier data elicited from adult learners and attriters of two unrelated languages, Japanese… read more
Hansen, Lynne, Andrew Colver, Wonhye Chong, Helama Pereira, Jeremy Robinson, Akihiro Sawada and Ronald M. Miller 2012 Chapter 6. The lost word: Vocabulary attrition in six mission languagesSecond Language Acquisition Abroad: The LDS Missionary Experience, Hansen, Lynne (ed.), pp. 111–134 | Article
This study replicates the investigation of missionary vocabulary acquisition reported in the previous chapter in an examination of vocabulary attrition in the same population following the mission. Time since the period spent overseas is found to be the strongest predictor of returnee vocabulary… read more
Hansen, Lynne, James Gardner, James Pollard, Joshua Rowe and Junko Tsukayama 2012 Chapter 11. The measurement of oral fluency in mission languagesSecond Language Acquisition Abroad: The LDS Missionary Experience, Hansen, Lynne (ed.), pp. 245–258 | Article
This chapter reports a study of the L2 oral fluency of missionaries who were learning Japanese in Japan and of returnees from the same population back in the United States. Hesitation phenomena in their oral narratives were measured, and related to measures of their second language proficiency.… read more
Hansen, Lynne, Karri Lam, Livia Orikasa Nufer, Paul Rama, Geraldine Schwaller and Ronald M. Miller 2012 Chapter 5. In the beginning was the word: Vocabulary learning in six mission languagesSecond Language Acquisition Abroad: The LDS Missionary Experience, Hansen, Lynne (ed.), pp. 89–108 | Article
This chapter examines vocabulary acquisition by adult learners of six mission languages: German, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese and Spanish. Although the data show little relationship between pre-mission L2 exposure and mission vocabulary acquisition, the length of exposure time on the… read more
Hansen, Lynne, Melanie McKinney Sterling and Yukako Umeda 2012 Chapter 8. Savings in the relearning of mission vocabulary: The effects of time and proficiencySecond Language Acquisition Abroad: The LDS Missionary Experience, Hansen, Lynne (ed.), pp. 185–202 | Article
This chapter extends the line of research which has recently applied the savings paradigm from cognitive psychology to vocabulary relearning. L2 data from 304 returned missionaries from Japan and Korea provide evidence of the strongest savings effect yet reported in studies of lexical reactivation.… read more
Hansen, Lynne 2011 The acquisition, attrition, and relearning of mission vocabularyModeling Bilingualism: From Structure to Chaos, Schmid, Monika S. and Wander Lowie (eds.), pp. 115–134 | Article
This chapter is an overview of research on the L2 vocabulary acquisition, attrition and relearning of LDS missionaries. The first section summarizes studies which used a common research design to examine both the learning and the loss of L2 vocabulary in three East Asian and three Indo-European… read more
Hansen, Lynne and Joshua Rowe 2006 A Computerized Test of Oral Proficiency: Development of an Automated InstrumentReadings in Second Language Pedagogy and Second Language Acquisition: In Japanese Context, Yoshitomi, Asako, Tae Umino and Masashi Negishi (eds.), pp. 75–82 | Article
Hansen, Lynne 1994 Orality/Literacy and Group Differences in Second-Language AcquisitionBilingual Performance in Reading and Writing, Cumming, Alister (ed.), pp. 283–305 | Article
The study focuses on factors which influence the attitudes of children toward standard and nonstandard language varieties. In a multicultural rural community in Hawaii where communicative competence includes to varying degrees a knowledge of both standard English and Hawaii Creole English, data… read more