Alfredo García-Pardo
List of John Benjamins publications for which Alfredo García-Pardo plays a role.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Romance linguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
García-Pardo, Alfredo and Mythili Menon 2020
The aspectual structure of the adjective: Spanish ser and estar Hispanic Linguistics: Current issues and new directions, Morales-Front, Alfonso, Michael J. Ferreira, Ronald P. Leow and Cristina Sanz (eds.), pp. 137–160 | Chapter
This paper argues that the stage-level and individual-level distinctions for adjectival predicates, diagnosed in Spanish by the copulas ser and estar, can be derived by positing a sortal distinction in the temporal arguments in the syntax: The temporal argument of individual-level adjectives… read more
I observe that the Aktionsart of the underlying VP within the participle plays a key role in the (un-)availability of event-related modification in Spanish adjectival passives: telic VPs disallow event-related modifiers, but stative causative VPs allow them. I adopt a temporal syntax framework… read more