Anna Bugaeva
List of John Benjamins publications for which Anna Bugaeva plays a role.
Chapter 7. Unspecified participant: A case of antipassive in Ainu Antipassive: Typology, diachrony, and related constructions, Janic, Katarzyna and Alena Witzlack-Makarevich (eds.), pp. 213–246 | Chapter
2021 This paper shows that there are two synchronically distinct i- markers in Ainu, viz. the derivational antipassive i- and inflectional ‘fourth’ person object i- with the functions of first person plural inclusive, second person honorific, and logophoric. The derivational antipassive marker i-… read more
Noun-modifying clause constructions in Ainu Noun-Modifying Clause Constructions in Languages of Eurasia: Rethinking theoretical and geographical boundaries, Matsumoto, Yoshiko, Bernard Comrie and Peter Sells (eds.), pp. 203–250 | Article
2017 The Ainu (Southern Hokkaido) relative clause construction is built on the model of the nominal attributive construction, while the noun-complement construction is based on that of the nominal possessive construction in which the head is marked with a possessive suffix. Also, relative and… read more
A diachronic study of the impersonal passive in Ainu Impersonal Constructions: A cross-linguistic perspective, Malchukov, Andrej L. and Anna Siewierska (eds.), pp. 517–546 | Article
2011 This paper provides a diachronic account for the impersonal passive in Ainu which is marked with a(n)= in Saru (Southwestern Hokkaido) and with a(n)= for 3sg/pl.o and ci= for 1sg/pl.o in Ishikari (Northeastern Hokkaido). I have argued that in spite of clearly impersonal origins, neither the
a(n)=… read more
Ainu applicatives in typological perspective Studies in Language 34:4, pp. 749–801 | Article
2010 This paper explores the polyfunctionality, grammaticalization, and typological relevance of applicatives in Ainu. Applicatives are derived by the valency-increasing prefixes which are generally defined here as instrumental e-, dative ko-, and locative o-. The referential range of the respective… read more
Speech report constructions in Ainu Subordination and Coordination Strategies in North Asian Languages, Vajda, Edward J. (ed.), pp. 17–29 | Article
2008 42. Reciprocals and sociatives in Ainu Reciprocal Constructions, Nedjalkov, Vladimir P. (ed.), pp. 1751–1822 | Chapter