The present study tracks the longitudinal pragmatic development of spoken requests by Japanese, adult learners of English during an academic year abroad, and aims to examine whether and how their requestive performance develops over time in high and low-imposition situations. Data were collected… read more
The present study is a comparative production study which investigates the effect of L1 email pragmatics on L2 email performance and examines the extent to which the L2 email production of advanced, Greek learners of English shows agreement with their L1 email production. The study identified… read more
The function of students’ email requests to faculty is both transactional and interactional. Students’ emails are not only sent with the aim of receiving some form of service but they also need to adhere to the interactional function of language in order to establish and maintain social… read more
This paper uses interactive oral role-plays to examine the extent and the way in which low proficiency EFL learners mitigate their requests. The dimensions examined are internal and external modification, and request perspective. Results indicated that the learners significantly underused internal… read more