Brian Harris

List of John Benjamins publications for which Brian Harris plays a role.


Subjects Dictionaries | Interpreting | Translation Studies
Harris, Brian 2017 Chapter 2. Unprofessional translation: A blog-based overviewNon-professional Interpreting and Translation: State of the art and future of an emerging field of research, Antonini, Rachele, Letizia Cirillo, Linda Rossato and Ira Torresi (eds.), pp. 29–43 | Chapter
This paper will discuss the pros and cons of publication in blog format compared with publication through conventional academic channels. The web blog Unprofessional Translation was started in 2009 as a reaction against the way “mainstream” translation studies and bilingualism studies had… read more
The term <i>traductologie</i> was coined in the early 1970s to correspond to the establishment of translation as a valid object of scientific and academic study. Its English equivalent is usually <i>translation studies</i> but sometimes translatology.<p>Traductologie has two conceptual levels: the… read more
Harris, Brian 2000 Foreword: Community Interpreting — Stage TwoThe Critical Link 2: Interpreters in the Community, Roberts, Roda P., Silvana E. Carr, Diana Abraham and Aideen Dufour (eds.), pp. 1 ff. | Miscellaneous
Harris, Brian 1992 Natural Translation: A Reply to Hans P. KringsTarget 4:1, pp. 97–103 | Discussion
Harris, Brian 1990 Norms in InterpretationTarget 2:1, pp. 115–119 | Discussion
Libdeh, Asaad Abu and Brian Harris 1986 Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO)Babel 32:3, pp. 188–191 | Discussion