Lieven Buysse

List of John Benjamins publications for which Lieven Buysse plays a role.


Languages in Business Education: Introduction

Edited by Lieven Buysse, Karoline Claes and Erwin Snauwaert

Special issue of ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 161 (2011) ca. 123 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language policy | Language teaching | Multilingualism
Buysse, Lieven and Meaghan Blanchard 2022 L1 and non-L1 perceptions of discourse markers in EnglishDiscourse-pragmatic markers, fillers and filled pauses: Pragmatic, cognitive, multimodal and sociolinguistic perspectives, Beeching, Kate, Grant Howie, Minna Kirjavainen and Anna Piasecki (eds.), pp. 222–245 | Article
Although critical reception of discourse markers (DMs) such as like and you know has often been noted, surprisingly little research has actually investigated this attitudinal perspective on usage. Moreover, a recent, rapidly expanding body of research on non-L1 speakers’ use of discourse markers… read more
Defrancq, Bart and Lieven Buysse 2022 CIUTI conferences as fora preparing for revolutions in T&IIntelligences pour la traduction. IA et interculturel : actions et interactions., Maggi, Ludovica and Sarah Bordes (eds.), pp. 185–187 | Miscellaneous
Canonical question tags feature prominently in spoken English, where they display great versatility. At face value they are meant to elicit a response from a co-participant in the form of (dis)agreement with the proposition to which the tag has been added. Their pragmatic scope is, however,… read more
This paper investigates how foreign language learners use discourse markers (such as so, well, you know, I mean) in English speech. These small words that do not contribute much, if anything at all, to the propositional content of a message but modify it in subtle ways, are often considered among… read more
Buysse, Lieven, Karoline Claes and Erwin Snauwaert 2011 Languages in Business Education: IntroductionLanguages in Business Education: Introduction, Buysse, Lieven, Karoline Claes and Erwin Snauwaert (eds.), pp. 5–9 | Introduction