Mónica Alvarado

List of John Benjamins publications for which Mónica Alvarado plays a role.


Developmental aspects of written language

Edited by Sofía A. Vernon Carter and Mónica Alvarado

Special issue of Written Language & Literacy 13:2 (2010) vi, 116 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Language teaching | Pragmatics | Writing and literacy


Dávalos, Amira and Mónica Alvarado 2010 Elementary school children’s decisions about paragraph organizationDevelopmental aspects of written language, Vernon Carter, Sofía A. and Mónica Alvarado (eds.), pp. 260–273 | Article
The main purpose of the present paper is to explore children’s abilities to introduce punctuation in Spanish texts. In this context, sixty Mexican elementary school children (ages 8–11) were asked to edit an expository text. The children’s written responses were analyzed from a pragmatic… read more
Vernon Carter, Sofía A. and Mónica Alvarado 2010 IntroductionDevelopmental aspects of written language, Vernon Carter, Sofía A. and Mónica Alvarado (eds.), pp. 181–182 | Article