Jenny Audring

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jenny Audring plays a role.



Linguistics in the Netherlands 2016

Edited by Jenny Audring and Sander Lestrade

[Linguistics in the Netherlands, 33] 2016. iv, 179 pp.
Subjects Theoretical linguistics

Linguistics in the Netherlands 2015

Edited by Björn Köhnlein and Jenny Audring

[Linguistics in the Netherlands, 32] 2015. iv, 169 pp.
Subjects Theoretical linguistics
In this paper we analyse a family of compound constructions in Persian that show two interesting properties: (1) they split into two semantic patterns, human agent noun and instrument noun, and (2) they display categorial ambiguity between noun and adjective. The compounds in question, which are… read more
Jackendoff, Ray and Jenny Audring 2021 Chapter 7. Morphological schemas: Theoretical and psycholinguistic issuesPolylogues on The Mental Lexicon: An exploration of fundamental issues and directions, Libben, Gary, Gonia Jarema and Victor Kuperman (eds.), pp. 187–220 | Chapter
Booij, Geert and Jenny Audring 2018 Chapter 8. Category change in construction morphologyCategory Change from a Constructional Perspective, Van Goethem, Kristel, Muriel Norde, Evie Coussé and Gudrun Vanderbauwhede (eds.), pp. 209–228 | Chapter
Morphological constructions can be formalized as schemas that specify semantic and formal output properties of complex words. Such schemas impose these output properties on their constituent words through various coercion mechanisms. In this article we focus on coercion-by-override and the… read more
Audring, Jenny, Geert Booij and Ray Jackendoff 2017 Menscheln, kibbelen, sparkle: Verbal diminutives between grammar and lexiconLinguistics in the Netherlands 2017, Lestrade, Sander and Bert Le Bruyn (eds.), pp. 1–15 | Article
German, Dutch and English have surprisingly large sets of verbal diminutives: verbs ending in -el/-le and carrying an attenuative and/or iterative meaning. These verbs exhibit particular properties that make them interesting for morphological theory. Focussing on Dutch data, this paper sketches… read more
Jackendoff, Ray and Jenny Audring 2016 Morphological schemas: Theoretical and psycholinguistic issuesNew Questions for the Next Decade, Jarema, Gonia, Gary Libben and Victor Kuperman (eds.), pp. 467–493 | Article
We propose a theory of the lexicon in which rules of grammar, encoded as declarative schemas, are lexical items containing variables. We develop a notation to encode precise relations among lexical items and show how this differs from the standard notion of inheritance. We also show how schemas… read more