David R. Simmons

List of John Benjamins publications for which David R. Simmons plays a role.


New Directions in Colour Studies

Edited by Carole P. Biggam, Carole Hough, Christian Kay and David R. Simmons

[Not in series, 167] 2011. xii, 462 pp.
Subjects Anthropological Linguistics | Cognition and language | Historical linguistics


Moos, Anja, David R. Simmons and Rachel Smith 2014 Synaesthetic associations: Exploring the colours of voicesColour Studies: A broad spectrum, Anderson, Wendy, Carole P. Biggam, Carole Hough and Christian Kay (eds.), pp. 352–365 | Article
While colour terms are occasionally used to describe a voice metaphorically, people with a neurological multi-sensory condition called synaesthesia have non-metaphorical, automatic and involuntary colour associations with the sound of a voice. After extensive research on other types of… read more
Simmons, David R. 2011 Colour and emotionNew Directions in Colour Studies, Biggam, Carole P., Carole Hough, Christian Kay and David R. Simmons (eds.), pp. 395–414 | Article
Whilst there are many anecdotal links between particular colours and particular emotions, there is relatively little in the way of systematic research. In this chapter a protocol is proposed for establishing these links empirically which is then tested on the emotional terms “pleasant”,… read more
Smith, Rachel, Anja Moos, William Cartwright-Hignett and David R. Simmons 2011 Towards a phonetically-rich account 
of speech-sound → colour synaesthesiaNew Directions in Colour Studies, Biggam, Carole P., Carole Hough, Christian Kay and David R. Simmons (eds.), pp. 319–328 | Article
This paper explores the contribution that phonetics can make to research into certain types of synaesthesia: those which have speech sounds as the ‘inducer’ or trigger for the synaesthetic experience, and colour as the ‘concurrent’ or triggered experience. These variants are under-researched… read more