Laura Rosseel

List of John Benjamins publications for which Laura Rosseel plays a role.


Calude, Andreea S., Eline Zenner, Laura Rosseel and Hemi Whaanga 2024 Māori loanwords in New Zealand English: What can a picture-naming task reveal for language planning?Language Problems and Language Planning 48:1, pp. 48–74 | Article
The Indigenous language of ANZ, Māori is undergoing significant revitalisation, following severe loss of vitality caused by English colonialism. One dimension to this revitalisation is the normalising of borrowings from Māori into New Zealand English (NZE). However, there are currently no… read more
Engel, Alexandra, Elsy Andries, Laura Rosseel, Benedikt Szmrecsanyi and Freek Van de Velde 2024 Constraints and lexical conditioning in the dative alternation: A cross-linguistic analysis of English and DutchLanguages in Contrast: Online-First Articles | Article
This article presents a cross-linguistic variationist study of the dative alternations in English (I gave Tom a present vs. I gave a present to Tom) and Dutch (Ik gaf Tom een cadeau vs. Ik gaf een cadeau aan Tom). We use logistic mixed-effects regression and lasso regression to assess the… read more
Engel, Alexandra, Jason Grafmiller, Laura Rosseel, Benedikt Szmrecsanyi and Freek Van de Velde 2021 Chapter 3. How register-specific is probabilistic grammatical knowledge? A programmatic sketch and a case study on the dative alternation with giveCorpus-based Approaches to Register Variation, Seoane, Elena and Douglas Biber (eds.), pp. 51–84 | Chapter
While there is preliminary evidence about the importance of register in linguistic choice-making processes, systematic studies focusing on the interaction between register and language-internal constraints are lacking in variationist linguistics. This contribution sketches an ongoing project in… read more