Gerd Jendraschek
List of John Benjamins publications for which Gerd Jendraschek plays a role.
From reciprocity to competition: Subjectification of reciprocal pronouns in Korean Language and Linguistics 24:2, pp. 302–324 | Article
2023 Korean has a reciprocal pronoun that under certain conditions takes on an innovative function as a marker of competition. This meaning emerges when the marker is used in reported speech containing a predicate expressing volition, intention, or speaker-orientation. In such contexts, the marker is… read more
The zero-marked switch-reference system of the Papuan language Iatmul Switch Reference 2.0, Gijn, Rik van and Jeremy Hammond (eds.), pp. 231–252 | Article
2016 Although in Iatmul switch-reference is not marked by dedicated morphemes, the absence of subject cross-reference markers indicates subject continuity, whereas their presence signals disjoint reference. Switch-reference clauses can show various degrees of syntactic integration into a matrix clause,… read more
Questions on transitivity: Iatmul and beyond Studies in Transitivity: Insights from Language Documentation, Kratochvíl, František, Alexander R. Coupe and Randy J. LaPolla (eds.), pp. 555–587 | Article
2011 This paper presents those areas of Iatmul morphosyntax that are relevant to a discussion of transitivity. Evidence for the syntactic status of subject and direct object as core arguments comes from S=O ambitransitive verbs, S/O pivots in complex predicates, switch reference, relative clause… read more