Marlis Hellinger

List of John Benjamins publications for which Marlis Hellinger plays a role.

Gender Across Languages: Volume 4

Edited by Marlis Hellinger and Heiko Motschenbacher

Subjects Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Gender Across Languages: The linguistic representation of women and men. 3 Volumes (set)

Edited by Marlis Hellinger and Hadumod Bußmann

[IMPACT: Studies in Language, Culture and Society, 9-11] 2003. xiv, 329 pp. & xiv, 349 pp. & xiv, 391 pp.
Subjects Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Hellinger, Marlis and Hadumod Bußmann 2015 Gender across languages: The linguistic representation of women and menGender Across Languages: Volume 4, Hellinger, Marlis and Heiko Motschenbacher (eds.), pp. 1–25 | Article
Bußmann, Hadumod and Marlis Hellinger 2003 German. Engendering female visibility in GermanGender Across Languages: The linguistic representation of women and men, Hellinger, Marlis and Hadumod Bußmann (eds.), pp. 141–174 | Article
1.Introduction 2.Categories of gender 2.1Grammatical gender 2.1.1Gender assignment 2.1.2Agreement 2.2Lexical gender 2.3Social gender 3.Referring to women and men in German 3.1Specification of referential gender 3.1.1Grammatical means 3.1.2Lexical means 3.1.3Morphological means:… read more
Hellinger, Marlis and Hadumod Bußmann 2003 Gender across languages: The linguistic representation of women and menGender Across Languages: The linguistic representation of women and men, Hellinger, Marlis and Hadumod Bußmann (eds.), pp. 1–25 | Article
1.Aims and scope of “Gender across languages” 2.Gender classes as a special case of noun classes 2.1Classifier languages 2.2Noun class languages 3.Categories of gender 3.1Grammatical gender 3.2Lexical gender 3.3Referential gender 3.4“False generics”: Generic masculines and male generics 3.5Social… read more
Hellinger, Marlis and Hadumod Bußmann 2002 Gender across languages: The linguistic representation of women and menGender Across Languages: The linguistic representation of women and men, Hellinger, Marlis and Hadumod Bußmann (eds.), pp. 1–25 | Article
1.Aims and scope of “Gender across languages” 2. Gender classes as a special case of noun classes 2.1 Classifier languages 2.2 Noun class languages 3. Categories of gender 3.1 Grammatical gender 3.2 Lexical gender 3.3 Referential gender 3.4 “False generics”:… read more
Hellinger, Marlis 2001 English. Gender in a global languageGender Across Languages: The linguistic representation of women and men, Hellinger, Marlis and Hadumod Bußmann (eds.), pp. 105–112 | Article

2. Gender in English
2.1. Grammatical gender
2.2. Lexical and social gender
3. Semantic derogation
4. Reforming English
5. Varieties of English represented in “Gender across languages”

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Hellinger, Marlis and Hadumod Bußmann 2001 Gender across languages: The linguistic representation of women and menGender Across Languages: The linguistic representation of women and men, Hellinger, Marlis and Hadumod Bußmann (eds.), pp. 1–25 | Article
1. Aims and scope of “Gender across languages”2. Gender classes as a special case of noun classes 2.1 Classifier languages 2.2 Noun class languages3. Categories of gender 3.1 Grammatical gender 3.2 Lexical gender 3.3 Referential gender 3.4 “False generics”: Generic… read more
Hellinger, Marlis 1994 Review of Winer (1993): Trinidad and TobagoEnglish World-Wide 15:1, pp. 146–149 | Review
Hellinger, Marlis 1990 Creolistics and SociolinguisticsEnglish World-Wide 11:1, pp. 59–77 | Article
Hellinger, Marlis 1986 On writing English-related Creoles in the CaribbeanFocus on the Caribbean, Görlach, Manfred † and John Holm † (eds.), pp. 53–70 | Article
Hellinger, Marlis 1985 Review of Smith (1985): Language, the Sexes and SocietyEnglish World-Wide 6:2, pp. 304–306 | Review
Hellinger, Marlis 1983 Review of Holm (1983): Central American EnglishEnglish World-Wide 4:2, pp. 309–312 | Review
Hellinger, Marlis 1981 Review of Dayley (1979): Belizean CreoleEnglish World-Wide 2:2, pp. 265–268 | Review
Hellinger, Marlis 1979 25. Across base-language boundries: the creole of Belize (British Honduras)Readings in Creole Studies, Hancock, Ian F. (ed.), pp. 315–333 | Chapter