Gemma Barberà

List of John Benjamins publications for which Gemma Barberà plays a role.


Impersonal human reference in Sign Languages

Edited by Gemma Barberà and Patricia Cabredo Hofherr

Special issue of Sign Language & Linguistics 21:2 (2018) v, 216 pp.
Subjects Electronic/Multimedia Products | Signed languages | Theoretical linguistics
The Catalan Sign Language (LSC) corpus of the Catalan Academy of Sciences and Humanities, which is under development, includes annotated data from three different age groups of signers, and allows for the study of microdiachronic change, namely language change across generations. In this… read more
Moya-Avilés, Berta, Gemma Barberà and Carme Bach 2023 Chapter 3. Politeness in Catalan Sign Language (LSC): Mitigation of criticisms in spontaneous discourse in LSCMultimodal Im/politeness: Signed, spoken, written, Jucker, Andreas H., Iris Hübscher and Lucien Brown (eds.), pp. 65–98 | Chapter
This paper focuses on politeness in Catalan Sign Language (LSC), concretely on criticisms. The main goal is to analyze linguistic mitigation, specifically through the discourse strategy that consists of expressions for restricting opinions. The data comes from a TV show in LSC, which features… read more
Barberà, Gemma and Josep Quer 2018 Nominal referential values of semantic classifiers and role shift in signed narrativesLinguistic Foundations of Narration in Spoken and Sign Languages, Hübl, Annika and Markus Steinbach (eds.), pp. 251–274 | Chapter
Bringing together the areas of dynamic semantics and signed discourse, this article focuses on the dynamic potential of referring expressions, such as semantic and limb classifiers, and role shift constructions. On the basis of the Catalan Sign Language version of the Aesop’s fables, a qualitative… read more
Barberà, Gemma and Patricia Cabredo Hofherr 2018 Impersonal human reference in sign languages: Introduction and questionnaireImpersonal human reference in Sign Languages, Barberà, Gemma and Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (eds.), pp. 183–203 | Introduction
Barberà, Gemma, Patricia Cabredo Hofherr and Josep Quer 2018 Agent-backgrounding in Catalan Sign Language (LSC)Impersonal human reference in Sign Languages, Barberà, Gemma and Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (eds.), pp. 334–348 | Article
This paper examines backgrounding strategies for human agents in Catalan Sign Language, that is, constructions featuring human agents that are non-referential. We identify and analyze four types of agent-backgrounding strategies: subjectless constructions, indefinite pronouns, the impersonal… read more
Donati, Caterina, Gemma Barberà, Chiara Branchini, Carlo Cecchetto, Carlo Geraci and Josep Quer 2017 Searching for imperatives in European sign languagesImperatives and Directive Strategies, Van Olmen, Daniël and Simone Heinold (eds.), pp. 111–156 | Chapter
This article presents the first results of a pilot project aiming at analyzing how European sign languages realize a syntactic domain that is very solid, likely to be grammaticalized in any language but very poorly described or not described at all for sign languages: the imperative. Our… read more
Bringing together the areas of sign language semantics-pragmatics interface and discourse reference, this article offers a description of how indefiniteness and (non‑)specificity is encoded in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). By using a combined methodology of corpus data and grammatical tests, the… read more