Barbara Dragsted

List of John Benjamins publications for which Barbara Dragsted plays a role.

Hvelplund, Kristian Tangsgaard and Barbara Dragsted 2018 Chapter 4. Genre familiarity and translation processing: Differences and similarities between literary and LSP translatorsInnovation and Expansion in Translation Process Research, Lacruz, Isabel and Riitta Jääskeläinen (eds.), pp. 55–76 | Chapter
This paper presents the findings from a research project carried out with literary translators and LSP translators. The overall aim of the project is to explore if and to what extent text genre familiarity affects translation processing. The specific aim is to characterise and compare translation… read more
Mees, Inger M., Barbara Dragsted, Inge Gorm Hansen and Arnt Lykke Jakobsen 2015 Sound effects in translationInterdisciplinarity in Translation and Interpreting Process Research, Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen, Susanne Göpferich and Sharon O'Brien (eds.), pp. 141–155 | Article
On the basis of a pilot study using speech recognition (SR) software, this chapter attempts to illustrate the benefits of adopting an interdisciplinary approach in translator training. It shows how the collaboration between phoneticians, translators and interpreters can (1) advance research, (2)… read more
Mees, Inger M., Barbara Dragsted, Inge Gorm Hansen and Arnt Lykke Jakobsen 2013 Sound effects in translationInterdisciplinarity in Translation and Interpreting Process Research, Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen, Susanne Göpferich and Sharon O'Brien (eds.), pp. 140–154 | Article
On the basis of a pilot study using speech recognition (SR) software, this paper attempts to illustrate the benefits of adopting an interdisciplinary approach in translator training. It shows how the collaboration between phoneticians, translators and interpreters can (1) advance research, (2)… read more
Timarová, Šárka, Barbara Dragsted and Inge Gorm Hansen 2011 Time lag in translation and interpreting: A methodological explorationMethods and Strategies of Process Research: Integrative approaches in Translation Studies, Alvstad, Cecilia, Adelina Hild and Elisabet Tiselius (eds.), pp. 121–146 | Article
Time lag between the source text input and the interpreter’s target text is known as ear-voice span or décalage. Recently, time lag has also been measured in written translation based on eye-tracking and key-logging (hence called eye-key span). Time lag provides insight into the temporal… read more
Dragsted, Barbara 2010 Coordination of reading and writing processes in translation: An eye on uncharted territoryTranslation and Cognition, Shreve, Gregory M. and Erik Angelone (eds.), pp. 41–62 | Article
This article explores how translation students and professionals coordinate source language comprehension and target language production processes. Using a combination of eye tracking and keyboard logging technologies, user activity data on reading and writing processes in translation were… read more
Dragsted, Barbara 2008 Computer-aided translation as a distributed cognitive taskCognition Distributed: How cognitive technology extends our minds, Dror, Itiel E. and Stevan Harnad (eds.), pp. 237–256 | Article
The present article examines the potential effects on the translation process of working interactively with a translation memory (TM) system, a tool for storing and sharing previous translations. A TM system automatically divides the source text into sentences presented to the translator one-by-one. read more
Dragsted, Barbara 2006 Computer-aided translation as a distributed cognitive taskDistributed Cognition, Harnad, Stevan and Itiel E. Dror (eds.), pp. 443–464 | Article
The present article examines the potential effects on the translation process of working interactively with a translation memory (TM) system, a tool for storing and sharing previous translations. A TM system automatically divides the source text into sentences presented to the translator one-by-one. read more
The subject of this article is cognitive segmentation in translation. Based on experiments carried out in Translog, a keyboard logging program, significant differences, and also certain similarities, were observed of cognitive segmentation when data from two different subject groups and text types… read more