Luisella Caon

List of John Benjamins publications for which Luisella Caon plays a role.


Subjects English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics | Pragmatics | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics | Theoretical linguistics


Caon, Luisella, Moragh S. Gordon and Thijs Porck 2024 Introduction: Unlocking the history of EnglishUnlocking the History of English: Pragmatics, prescriptivism and text types, Caon, Luisella, Moragh S. Gordon and Thijs Porck (eds.), pp. 1–7 | Chapter
Porck, Thijs, Moragh S. Gordon and Luisella Caon 2024 Introduction: Keys to the history of EnglishKeys to the History of English: Diachronic linguistic change, morpho-syntax and lexicography, Porck, Thijs, Moragh S. Gordon and Luisella Caon (eds.), pp. 1–7 | Chapter