Tim Greer

List of John Benjamins publications for which Tim Greer plays a role.


Greer, Tim 2016 On doing Japanese awe in English talkEmotion in Multilingual Interaction, Prior, Matthew T. and Gabriele Kasper (eds.), pp. 111–130 | Article
This study investigates how Japanese novice L2 speakers of English employ prosodic variations of the receipt particle oh to socially accomplish awe in L2 interaction. In addition to marking changes in epistemic states (Heritage 1984), these participants also produced oh in ways that mark their… read more
This paper examines identity-related interaction in a group of teenagers at an international school in Japan, focusing particularly on the discursive accomplishment of multiethnic identity among so-called half-Japanese (or “haafu”) people. The study employs Conversation Analysis (CA) and… read more