Keiichi Koyama
List of John Benjamins publications for which Keiichi Koyama plays a role.
Current status of ISO 7001 Graphical symbols: Public information symbols Traffic & Transport: Part II, Simlinger, Peter (ed.), pp. 181–186 | Miscellaneous
2016 Paper and on-line testing of graphical access symbols
in three countries using the ISO 9186 comprehension test Information Design Journal 18:2, pp. 107–117 | Article
2010 Graphical symbols intended to indicate priority facilities and priority seating for those with limited mobility were tested in Japan, Australia and the United Kingdom using the ISO 9186-1:2007 comprehension test. Screen presentation was used in some circumstances, paper booklet presentation in… read more
Designers' workshop Information Design Journal 17:3, p. | Review