Ikuko Nakane

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ikuko Nakane plays a role.


Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | English linguistics | Japanese linguistics | Pragmatics


Nakane, Ikuko 2018 Chapter 10. “I really don’t know because I’m stupid”: Unpacking suggestibility in investigative interviewsLegal Pragmatics, Kurzon, Dennis and Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky (eds.), pp. 203–228 | Chapter
This chapter examines how an interviewee with borderline intellectual functioning reversed his denial and gave a false confession in investigative interviews conducted by a prosecutor in a murder case in Japan. While the interviewing prosecutor’s varying approaches to questioning are likely to… read more
The issue of e-politeness has been attracting increasing attention in the field of foreign language teaching and learning. This article examines how students of Japanese as a foreign language in Australia negotiated power and solidarity in their email correspondence with ‘facilitators’ in Japan who… read more