Pim Verhulst

List of John Benjamins publications for which Pim Verhulst plays a role.


Verhulst, Pim 2024 2.3.5. Radio: Between text and soundA Comparative History of the Literary Draft in Europe, Beloborodova, Olga and Dirk Van Hulle (eds.), pp. 514–526 | To be specified
After contextualising the radio medium in relation to theatre, television and film, and then distinguishing between different types of radio drama, this chapter argues that radio plays are a hybrid (text/sound) art form, as opposed to a “purely acoustic” one, that needs to be researched from an… read more
Samuel Beckett’s drafts often depart from a concrete depiction, which is then gradually compacted. A peculiar example is the textual development of Beckett’s play Not I/Pas moi. The recognisable Irish setting of the early ‘Kilcool’ manuscripts is cut back as the writing process evolves. The French… read more