Wenxian Zhang

List of John Benjamins publications for which Wenxian Zhang plays a role.


Zhang, Wenxian, Xianyin Li and Wei Zhang 2021 Overlapping as final-item completion in Mandarin conversationThe Joint Production of Conversational Turns, Luke, K.K. and Mei Fang (eds.), pp. 35–51 | Article
This study locates as its focus the site for the final item in a sentence-in-progress as a late but systematic opportunity space for co-completing sentences by another speaker, and as a systematic site for brief overlaps. A second speaker may supply a version of the final item as projected by the… read more
“真的(吗/啊)?”是一般疑问句的形式,但是在自然口语会话中并不只是因怀疑对方所说信息真假而表达疑问,而是回应标记。本文从互动交际的角度出发,论述了“真的(吗/啊)”在会话序列中的功能。“真的(吗/啊)”在会话中表示得到的完全是新信息或者信息与自己的背景知识有差异,表达意外、惊讶等情感。在会话结构上,“真的(吗/啊)”与主要讲述者结构一致,即不与之抢夺说话权,请对方继续说下去。 read more