Douglas Inglis
List of John Benjamins publications for which Douglas Inglis plays a role.
The development of perfectivity in Khamti Shan Studies in Language 45:4, pp. 887–920 | Article
2021 Khamti Shan features the marking of perfectivity comprised of three clause-final particles, one perfective and two imperfectives, each emerging from the basic verbs, yau¹ ‘finish’, u⁵ ‘live’, and nam⁵ ‘(be) extensive’. While the perfective category is straightforward, the imperfective category… read more
Khamti Shan anti-ergative construction: A Tibeto-Burman influence? Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 40:2, pp. 133–160 | Article
2017 It is widely recognized that Khamti Shan is unique among Tai languages in evidencing a basic (A)OV word order, quite likely due to extensive language contact with Tibeto-Burman languages. Much less recognized in Khamti Shan is that some functional objects take a postposition marker, revealing a… read more