Rasmus Steinkrauss

List of John Benjamins publications for which Rasmus Steinkrauss plays a role.



Lesonen, Sirkku, Minna Suni, Rasmus Steinkrauss and Marjolijn H. Verspoor 2017 From conceptualization to constructions in Finnish as an L2: A case studyPragmatics & Cognition 24:2, pp. 212–262 | Article
This study traces the individual learning trajectories of an adult beginner L2 Finnish learner in expressing the extralinguistic concept of evaluation from a dynamic usage-based perspective. Our results provide support for the view of learner language as a dynamic system in which patterns wax… read more
The study reported in this chapter investigates the L1 acquisition of a group of wh-questions by a German-learning boy. It is assumed their acquisition will generally follow input frequency, but also interact with functional factors and previous linguistic knowledge. The input frequencies of the… read more