Daniel Alcaraz Carrión

List of John Benjamins publications for which Daniel Alcaraz Carrión plays a role.


Time Representations in the Perspective of Human Creativity

Edited by Anna Piata, Adriana Gordejuela and Daniel Alcaraz Carrión

[Human Cognitive Processing, 75] 2022. viii, 245 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive linguistics | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Theoretical literature & literary studies


Alcaraz Carrión, Daniel 2022 Chapter 9. Physical and imaginary landmarks in English time gesturesTime Representations in the Perspective of Human Creativity, Piata, Anna, Adriana Gordejuela and Daniel Alcaraz Carrión (eds.), pp. 187–208 | Chapter
In this chapter I discuss several creative instances of time co-speech gestures in English obtained from a repository of television news. I argue that, even though time gestures tend to follow certain patterns in their form, speakers may deviate, giving rise to more creative instances with a… read more
Piata, Anna, Adriana Gordejuela and Daniel Alcaraz Carrión 2022 IntroductionTime Representations in the Perspective of Human Creativity, Piata, Anna, Adriana Gordejuela and Daniel Alcaraz Carrión (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Chapter
Valenzuela, Javier, Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas, Inés Olza and Daniel Alcaraz Carrión 2020 Gesturing in the wild: Evidence for a flexible mental timelineReview of Cognitive Linguistics 18:2, pp. 289–315 | Article
Psycholinguistic evidence shows that spatial domains are automatically activated when processing temporal expressions. Speakers conceptualize time as a straight line deployed along different axes (mostly sagittal, though also vertical). The use of the lateral axis, which cannot be lexicalized in… read more