Javier Franco Aixelá

List of John Benjamins publications for which Javier Franco Aixelá plays a role.


Rovira-Esteva, Sara and Javier Franco Aixelá 2018 Chapter 2.3. Bibliometric tools: Evaluation, mappingA History of Modern Translation Knowledge: Sources, concepts, effects, D’hulst, Lieven and Yves Gambier (eds.), pp. 117–122 | Chapter
Franco Aixelá, Javier 2013 Who’s who and what’s what in Translation Studies: A preliminary approachTracks and Treks in Translation Studies: Selected papers from the EST Congress, Leuven 2010, Way, Catherine, Sonia Vandepitte, Reine Meylaerts and Magdalena Bartłomiejczyk (eds.), pp. 7–28 | Article
This paper introduces the relevance of bibliometric studies in TS. It then discusses impact factors and describes a new bibliometric project within TS and its particular approach, rather different from the usual one in international academic circles. It also tries to establish the possibilities and… read more