Michaela Mahlberg

List of John Benjamins publications for which Michaela Mahlberg plays a role.

Book series


Language and Covid-19

Edited by Michaela Mahlberg and Gavin Brookes

Special issue of International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 26:4 (2021) v, 158 pp.
Subjects Computational & corpus linguistics

The Corpus Linguistics Discourse: In honour of Wolfgang Teubert

Edited by Anna Čermáková and Michaela Mahlberg

[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 87] 2018. vi, 261 pp.
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Theoretical linguistics

Lexical Cohesion and Corpus Linguistics

Edited by John Flowerdew and Michaela Mahlberg

[Benjamins Current Topics, 17] 2009. vi, 124 pp.
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Discourse studies | Functional linguistics | Pragmatics

Lexical Cohesion and Corpus Linguistics

Edited by John Flowerdew and Michaela Mahlberg

Special issue of International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 11:3 (2006) 128 pp.
Subjects Computational & corpus linguistics
Subjects Corpus linguistics | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Semantics
Mahlberg, Michaela and Gavin Brookes 2021 Language and Covid-19: Corpus linguistics and the social reality of the pandemicLanguage and Covid-19, Mahlberg, Michaela and Gavin Brookes (eds.), pp. 441–443 | Introduction
Language has the capacity to create fictional worlds and to describe real-life social structures. In this paper, we explore gendered social structures in a corpus of nineteenth-century children’s fiction. We describe these structures in terms of the frequent nouns that are used to label people… read more
Egbert, Jesse and Michaela Mahlberg 2020 Fiction – one register or two? Speech and narration in novelsRegister Studies 2:1, pp. 72–101 | Article
In this paper our focus is on analyzing register variation within fiction, rather than between fiction and other registers. By working with subcorpora that separate text within and outside of quotation marks, we appromixate fictional speech and narration. This enables us to identify and compare… read more
Čermáková, Anna and Michaela Mahlberg 2018 Translating fictional characters – Alice and the Queen from the Wonderland in English and CzechThe Corpus Linguistics Discourse: In honour of Wolfgang Teubert, Čermáková, Anna and Michaela Mahlberg (eds.), pp. 223–253 | Chapter
In this chapter, we propose a novel theoretical framework for the literary translation of fictional characters. This framework develops the cognitive corpus linguistic notion of mind-modelling to account for process-, product- and function-oriented aspects of literary translation. We use the… read more
Čermáková, Anna and Michaela Mahlberg 2018 IntroductionThe Corpus Linguistics Discourse: In honour of Wolfgang Teubert, Čermáková, Anna and Michaela Mahlberg (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Introduction
In this paper, we explore the potential of a corpus approach to study translated cohesion. We use key words as starting points for identifying cohesive networks in Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness and discuss how these networks contribute to the construction of literary meanings in the… read more
Mahlberg, Michaela and Peter Stockwell 2016 Chapter 13. Point and CLiC: Teaching literature with corpus stylistic toolsScientific Approaches to Literature in Learning Environments, Burke, Michael, Olivia Fialho and Sonia Zyngier (eds.), pp. 253–270 | Article
This chapter looks at the corpus tool CLiC, a web application specifically designed for the study of literary texts. It allows students to run concordances or generate keywords, for instance. It gives students the opportunity to work with a corpus of Dickens novels, but also with novels by other… read more
Mahlberg, Michaela 2015 Editor’s noteInternational Journal of Corpus Linguistics 20:4, p.  | Article
Mahlberg, Michaela, Catherine Smith and Simon Preston 2015 Phrases in literary contexts: Patterns and distributions of suspensions in Dickens’s novelsCurrent Issues in Phraseology, Hoffmann, Sebastian, Bettina Fischer-Starcke and Andrea Sand (eds.), pp. 35–56 | Article
This paper addresses relations between lexico-grammatical patterns and texts. Our focus is on a specific linguistic unit, the ‘suspended quotation’ (or ‘suspension’), which has received particular attention in Dickens studies. The suspended quotation refers to an interruption of a fictional… read more
Mahlberg, Michaela 2013 Editor’s noteCurrent issues in phraseology, Hoffmann, Sebastian, Bettina Fischer-Starcke and Andrea Sand (eds.), p.  | Subsection
Mahlberg, Michaela, Catherine Smith and Simon Preston 2013 Phrases in literary contexts: Patterns and distributions of suspensions in Dickens’s novelsCurrent issues in phraseology, Hoffmann, Sebastian, Bettina Fischer-Starcke and Andrea Sand (eds.), pp. 35–56 | Article
This paper addresses relations between lexico-grammatical patterns and texts. Our focus is on a specific linguistic unit, the ‘suspended quotation’ (or ‘suspension’), which has received particular attention in Dickens studies. The suspended quotation refers to an interruption of a fictional… read more
Mahlberg, Michaela and Dan McIntyre 2011 A case for corpus stylistics: Ian Fleming’s Casino RoyaleEnglish Text Construction 4:2, pp. 204–227 | Article
In this article we investigate keywords and key semantic domains in Fleming’s Casino Royale. We identify groups of keywords that describe elements of the fictional world such as characters and settings as well as thematic signals. The keyword groups fall into two broad categories that are… read more
Mahlberg, Michaela 2009 Lexical cohesion: Corpus linguistic theory and its application English in language teachingLexical Cohesion and Corpus Linguistics, Flowerdew, John and Michaela Mahlberg (eds.), pp. 103–122 | Article
Cohesion is generally described with regard to two broad categories: ‘grammatical cohesion’ and ‘lexical cohesion’. These categories reflect a view on language that treats grammar and lexis along separate lines. Language teaching textbooks on cohesion often follow this division. In contrast, a… read more
Mahlberg, Michaela 2009 Local textual functions of move in newspaper story patternsExploring the Lexis–Grammar Interface, Römer-Barron, Ute and Rainer Schulze (eds.), pp. 265–287 | Article
The article investigates the link between lexical and textual patterns in newspaper texts. Patterns in newspaper stories strikingly illustrate the relationship between meaning and form. The article presents an analysis of the core move follow* in a corpus of Guardian newspaper texts. The analysis… read more
Flowerdew, John and Michaela Mahlberg 2006 IntroductionLexical Cohesion and Corpus Linguistics, Flowerdew, John and Michaela Mahlberg (eds.), pp. 261–263 | Article
Mahlberg, Michaela 2006 Lexical cohesion: Corpus linguistic theory and its application in English language teachingLexical Cohesion and Corpus Linguistics, Flowerdew, John and Michaela Mahlberg (eds.), pp. 363–383 | Article
Cohesion is generally described with regard to two broad categories: ‘grammatical cohesion’ and ‘lexical cohesion’. These categories reflect a view on language that treats grammar and lexis along separate lines. Language teaching textbooks on cohesion often follow this division. In contrast, a… read more
Corpus research can provide important insights into different areas of language description. The present paper takes a textlinguistic approach to the description of English and puts into perspective the ‘support function’ of general nouns such as man, move and thing. The support function captures… read more