Margarita Hidalgo
List of John Benjamins publications for which Margarita Hidalgo plays a role.
Afterword: Indicators of bilingualism and identity. Samples from the Spanish-speaking world Bilingualism and Identity: Spanish at the crossroads with other languages, Niño-Murcia, Mercedes and Jason Rothman (eds.), pp. 333–357 | Afterword
Bilingual Education, Nationalism and Ethnicity in Mexico: From Theory to Practice Language Problems and Language Planning 18:3, pp. 185–207 | Article
1994 RESUMEN Educatión bilingüe, nacionalismo y etnicidad en México: De la teoria a la práctica Este artículo describe el modelo de asimilaciôn de los grupos indígenas de México a la vida nacional a través de la educación bilingue (EB). La EB se ha usado como el instrumento que facilita el… read more
Guest Editor's Foreword Language Problems and Language Planning 18:3, pp. 179–184 | Miscellaneous
1994 The Emergence of Standard Spanish in the American Continent: Implications for Latin American Dialectology Language Problems and Language Planning 14:1, pp. 47–63 | Article
1990 RESUMO La apero de norma hispana lingvo en la amerika kontinento: Implicoj por latinamerika dialektologio La cirkonstancoj, kiuj interven is en la formigo de norma speco de la hispana lingvo en la amerika kontinento, inkluzivis la esenc e urban karakteron de la Konkcro, la soci an kaj edukan fonon… read more
Español mexicano y español chicano: Problemas y propuestas fundamentales Language Problems and Language Planning 11:2, pp. 166–193 | Article
1987 SUMMARY Mexican Spanish and Chicano Spanish: Fundamental Problems and Proposals The first sections of this article discuss the historical circumstances that intervened in the emergence of Mexican Spanish as an independent variety of Mexican Spanish; it also describes the geographic and social… read more