Shawn J. Parry-Giles
List of John Benjamins publications for which Shawn J. Parry-Giles plays a role.
Strategic language as a family of identity-based discourse registers: Hillary Clinton and the president’s task force on national health reform, 1993–1994 Corpora and Rhetorically Informed Text Analysis: The diverse applications of DocuScope, Brown, David West and Danielle Zawodny Wetzel (eds.), pp. 240–263 | Chapter
2023 Since antiquity, the study of strategy has aspired to a military science predicting outcomes. An alternative, rooted in classical rhetoric, focused on language strategically deployed to increase targeted outcomes. That said, the intersection of strategy and language remains understudied. We… read more
The “image bite,” political language, and the public/private divide: NBC News coverage of Hillary Clinton from scorned wife to Senate candidate Journal of Language and Politics 11:3, pp. 336–356 | Article
2012 Voice-overs with muted images, often known as the “image bite,” have become an increasingly used but understudied format of political language by the television news media. Because the media can use images to fit many contexts and purposes of commentary, the media images are susceptible to… read more