Sari Hokkanen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Sari Hokkanen plays a role.

Hokkanen, Sari 2025 Chapter 4. Affective labor in the simultaneous interpreting of prayer: An autoethnographic re-analysisField Research on Translation and Interpreting, Rogl, Regina, Daniela Schlager and Hanna Risku (eds.), pp. 98–116 | Chapter
This chapter provides a re-analysis of the fieldnotes I gathered in an autoethnographic study of simultaneous church interpreting (Hokkanen 2016). I re-analyzed descriptions of interpreted prayers in the fieldnotes from the perspective of affective labor, understood as the manipulation of one’s… read more
Leminen, Anni-Kaisa and Sari Hokkanen 2024 Exploring ethical dilemmas encountered by public service interpreters and their effect on job satisfactionTranslators’ and Interpreters’ Job Satisfaction, Ruokonen, Minna, Elin Svahn and Anu Heino (eds.), pp. 149–169 | Article
In this paper, we investigate the stressors that affect interpreters working in public service interpreting (PSI) in Finland and the ethical dilemmas these stressors indicate. Our data derives from a survey carried out among public service interpreters in Finland in 2018. We identified three… read more
This paper proposes an affective approach to examining the interpreter’s role.More specifically, it suggests that, by considering the interpreters’ subjectivefeelings of involvement and detachment related to an interpreted event, we canexamine the ways in which their role is constructed, within and… read more
Hokkanen, Sari and Kaisa Koskinen 2018 Affect as a hinge: The translator's experiencing self as a sociocognitive interfaceExploring the Situational Interface of Translation and Cognition, Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen and Birgitta Englund Dimitrova (eds.), pp. 75–93 | Article
This paper proposes an affective approach to examining the interpreter’s role. More specifically, it suggests that, by considering the interpreters’ subjective feelings of involvement and detachment related to an interpreted event, we can examine the ways in which their role is constructed,… read more
In this paper, I discuss the volunteer simultaneous church interpreting I conduct as a professionally trained interpreter, using autoethnography as my methodological approach. The aim is to examine how my professional identity and my identity as a Pentecostal Christian coexist in this… read more
Hokkanen, Sari and Kaisa Koskinen 2016 Affect as a hinge: The translator’s experiencing self as a sociocognitive interfaceCognitive space: Exploring the situational interface, Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen and Birgitta Englund Dimitrova (eds.), pp. 78–96 | Article
Affect, understood here as embodied meaning-making, offers one useful point of departure in studying translation as an activity that involves both cognitive and social processes, because it functions as a hinge between subjective understandings and social environments. We approach affects related… read more