Monika Brusenbauch Meislova
List of John Benjamins publications for which Monika Brusenbauch Meislova plays a role.
Discourse of self-legitimation: Self- and other-presentation in the European Parliament’s soft law on Brexit Journal of Language and Politics: Online-First Articles | Article
2024 The article proposes an original conceptual framework that captures the discursive logic of self-legitimation and applies it to the empirical case of European Union soft law and the process of Brexit. Adopting the general orientation of Discourse Historical Approach in Critical Discourse… read more
Discursive (re)construction of populist sovereignism by right-wing hard Eurosceptic parties in the 2019 European parliament elections: Insights from the UK, Italy, the Czech Republic and Slovakia Journal of Language and Politics 20:6, pp. 825–851 | Article
2021 The overarching aim of the article is to investigate the discourse of populist sovereignism as articulated by the leaders and/or leading candidates of four right-wing hard Eurosceptic populist parties in the following countries during the 2019 elections to the European Parliament: the Czech… read more