Lise Higham
List of John Benjamins publications for which Lise Higham plays a role.
Proposal for a typology of listening markers and listening request markers: The case of a public consultation Dialogic Ethics, Arnett, Ronald C. and François Cooren (eds.), pp. 45–76 | Chapter
2018 Public hearings allow individuals to disseminate their opinions but also to hear the views of others. While citizens find themselves invested with more opportunity to engage in public conversation, are they in possession of the tools to effectively accomplish their objective? Listening stands out… read more
Analyzing online suicide prevention chats: A communicative constitutive approach Dialogue and Ethics, Arnett, Ronald C. and François Cooren (eds.), pp. 3–25 | Article
2017 In this article, we propose to mobilize a communicative constitutive approach to analyze sessions that took place in the context of online suicide prevention chats in France. By analyzing the detail of a specific excerpt, we propose, more precisely, to draw a portrait of various figures that… read more