Joanna Pawelczyk

List of John Benjamins publications for which Joanna Pawelczyk plays a role.

In this paper we look at three extracts of two psychotherapy sessions between a female therapist and a woman patient suffering from bulimia and depression. We use conversation analysis and membership categorization analysis to examine how gender, indexing the quality of the emotional bond between… read more
In this paper we examine how couple and family therapists, in accounting for the moments of their first therapeutic encounters identified as meaningful, invoke asymmetric affiliations with their clients in the Interpersonal Process Recall (IPR) dialogues. Applying Conversation Analysis and… read more
Graf, Eva-Maria and Joanna Pawelczyk 2014 The interactional accomplishment of feelings-talk in psychotherapy and executive coaching: Same format, different functions?Discourses of Helping Professions, Graf, Eva-Maria, Marlene Sator and Thomas Spranz-Fogasy (eds.), pp. 59–90 | Article
Feelings-talk is considered an important interaction type in many helping professions as the ‘helping’ element often involves various forms of engagement in emotional work. In this chapter we identify and critically assess the interactional forms and functions of feelings-talk in… read more
Pawelczyk, Joanna and Eva-Maria Graf 2011 Living in therapeutic culture: Feminine discourse as an agent of changeLiving with Patriarchy: Discursive constructions of gendered subjects across cultures, Majstorović, Danijela and Inger Lassen (eds.), pp. 273–302 | Article
Self-reflexivity and self-identity have turned into core projects of modern times. As a result, women and men of different cultural backgrounds increasingly often seek support in therapy and counseling. However, talking through things, being open in relationships and seeking happiness as… read more