John Bitchener

List of John Benjamins publications for which John Bitchener plays a role.

In this chapter, I discuss a number of approaches that my students have found helpful as they seek to complete their doctoral dissertation within a reasonable period of time. Some of the ideas presented here may need to be modified to meet the established protocols and procedures of both your… read more
This article assesses the current status of written CF research. It focuses specifically on the potential of written CF to facilitate L2 development, seeking answers to five of the most frequently asked umbrella questions: (1) Can written CF facilitate L2 development? (2) Are some types of… read more
The focus of this article is on the written feedback that supervisors say they often give their second language (L2) doctoral students. Little is known about the focus of this feedback and about what supervisors consider as priorities in the early draft writing of dissertation chapters. Given the… read more
This article presents the results of a study examining the effectiveness of written corrective feedback (CF) on the simple past tense and the impact beliefs may have on students’ uptake of the feedback they receive. A seven-week study was carried out with 42 advanced EFL learners in Vientiane,… read more
Since the early 1980s, SLA research has been exploring the contribution of negotiated interaction to second language learning. Attention has been and continues to be given to the conditions that are necessary for L2 acquisition, the relationship between negotiated interaction and language… read more