Louise Cummings

List of John Benjamins publications for which Louise Cummings plays a role.


ISSN 1018-2101 | E-ISSN 2406-4238
Speech-language pathologists routinely use picture description tasks to assess expository discourse in clients with disorders such as aphasia and dementia. One picture description task – the Cookie Theft picture from the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination – has come to dominate clinical… read more
Cummings, Louise 2014 Analogical reasoning in public healthJournal of Argumentation in Context 3:2, pp. 169–197 | Article
Analogical reasoning is a valuable logical resource in a public health context. It is used extensively by public health scientists in risk assessments of new technologies, environmental hazards and infectious diseases. For its part, the public also avails of analogical reasoning when it assesses a… read more
Cummings, Louise 2012 Theorising context: The case of clinical pragmaticsWhat is a Context?: Linguistic approaches and challenges, Finkbeiner, Rita, Jörg Meibauer and Petra B. Schumacher (eds.), pp. 55–80 | Article
This article challenges the idea that it is possible to produce a theory of context. Such a theory, it is argued, is unintelligible by virtue of the fact that it leaves us with no prior rational concepts with which to make sense of or understand a theory of context. This argument is developed in… read more
Cummings, Louise 2011 Pragmatic disorders and their social impactPragmatics and Society 2:1, pp. 17–36 | Article
Pragmatic disorders in children and adults have been the focus of clinical investigations for approximately 40 years. In that time, clinicians and researchers have established a diverse range of pragmatic phenomena that are disrupted in these disorders. Pragmatic deficits include problems with the… read more