Carleton T. Hodge

List of John Benjamins publications for which Carleton T. Hodge plays a role.

Hodge, Carleton T. 2000 27. The Ablauts of lFunctional Approaches to Language, Culture and Cognition: Papers in honor of Sydney M. Lamb, Lockwood, David G., Peter H. Fries and James E. Copeland (eds.), pp. 465–480 | Chapter
Hodge, Carleton T. 1998 The Implications of Lislakh for NostraticNostratic: Sifting the Evidence, Salmons, Joseph C. and Brian D. Joseph (eds.), pp. 237–256 | Article
Hodge, Carleton T. 1988 Consonant Ablaut in LislakhFucus: A Semitic/Afrasian Gathering in Remembrance of Albert Ehrman, Arbeitman, Yoël L. (ed.), pp. 267–276 | Article
Hodge, Carleton T. 1987 The status of lisramic (Hamito-semitic) sound correspondencesProceedings of the Fourth International Hamito-Semitic Congress, Jungraithmayr, Herrmann and Walter W. Mueller (eds.), pp. 11–24 | Article
Hodge, Carleton T. 1986 Indo-European Consonant AblautDiachronica 3:2, pp. 143–162 | Article
Variations such as Skt. bru-t Av. mru- "speak" have long been of concern to Indo-Europeanists, as have like alternants in Afroasiatic. Recent work in the latter field suggests that some of these variants can be attributed to prehistoric affixes. Given a base form such as **d-r, found in Gk. (Hes. read more
Hodge, Carleton T. 1981 Coptic double consonantsBono Homini Donum: Essays in Historical Linguistics, in Memory of J. Alexander Kerns. (2 volumes), Arbeitman, Yoël L. and Allan R. Bomhard (eds.), pp. 659–664 | Article