Serena Dal Maso
List of John Benjamins publications for which Serena Dal Maso plays a role.
Chapter 2. For a topology of derivational paradigms Paradigms in Word Formation: Theory and applications, Ruz, Alba E., Cristina Fernández-Alcaina and Cristina Lara-Clares (eds.), pp. 21–56 | Chapter
2022 In recent times, paradigmatic approaches to word formation have become increasingly popular, but the very concept of derivational paradigm is still far from being clear and universally accepted: while paradigms are a useful construct for the treatment of inflectional phenomena, less… read more
Morphological processing in L2 Italian: Evidence from a masked priming study Morphology and its interfaces: Syntax, semantics and the lexicon, Amiot, Dany, Delphine Tribout, Natalia Grabar, Cédric Patin and Fayssal Tayalati (eds.), pp. 322–337 | Article
2014 The present paper explores the processing of morphologically complex words in L2 Italian by means of as series of masked priming experiments associated with a LDT. We manipulated deadjectival nominalizations in -ità (e.g. velocità < veloce) and in -ezza (e.g. bellezza < bello), that differ in terms… read more