Romualdo Ibáñez O.

List of John Benjamins publications for which Romualdo Ibáñez O. plays a role.

El presente estudio tuvo dos objetivos. El primero fue determinar el efecto de la subjetividad y de la explicitud de las relaciones de coherencia causal en el procesamiento y en la comprensión de estudiantes chilenos de educación básica. El segundo fue determinar si tal efecto varía dependiendo… read more
El objetivo del presente estudio es comparar el resumen de artículos de investigación científica (AICs) de dos disciplinas (Biología e Historia) a partir de su organización retórica y de las relaciones de coherencia que lo configuran. Para describir la organización retórica, utilizamos, como… read more
Psychodiscursive skills allowing university students to comprehend disciplinary texts are considered to be essential. Besides, in countries where English is not the mother tongue, university students must also develop the ability to comprehend disciplinary texts written in English. As a result,… read more
This chapter describes and illustrates the Disciplinary Text, an academic genre that has emerged as one of the most frequent means of written communication in the PUCV-2006 Academic Corpus of Spanish, in three different disciplinary domains (Social Work, Psychology, and Construction Engineering).… read more
Parodi, Giovanni †, Romualdo Ibáñez O. and René Venegas 2010 Chapter 3. Discourse genres in the PUCV-2006 Academic and Professional Corpus of Spanish: Criteria, definitions, and examplesAcademic and Professional Discourse Genres in Spanish, Parodi, Giovanni † (ed.), pp. 37–63 | Article
The identification and the classification of discourse genres have been one of the important concerns in linguistics studies. Particularly, since genres are analysed as complex objects and multi-dimensional approaches have been employed in order to capture their dynamic nature, more precise… read more