Filomena Sandalo

List of John Benjamins publications for which Filomena Sandalo plays a role.


This work approaches some grammatical differences in the linguistic expression of counting, measuring, aggregating, and quantity comparison and partition in Kadiwéu, a classifier language spoken in Brazil. This paper brings evidence via the grammar of comparison and partition that the… read more
Sandalo, Filomena and Charlotte Galves 2013 Clitic placement and grammaticalization in PortugueseChallenging Clitics, Meklenborg Salvesen, Christine and Hans Petter Helland (eds.), pp. 119–134 | Article
In this paper, we argue that the architecture of grammar proposed in Distributed Morphology can shed light on the diachronic shift that has occurred in Portuguese enclisis. Employing such a view of the architecture of grammar allows us to interpret this shift as a case of grammaticalization, thus… read more