David Korfhagen

List of John Benjamins publications for which David Korfhagen plays a role.


Korfhagen, David, Rajiv Rao and Sandro Sessarego 2021 Chapter 7. Declarative intonation in four Afro-Hispanic varieties: Phonological analysis and implicationsAspects of Latin American Spanish Dialectology: In honor of Terrell A. Morgan, Díaz-Campos, Manuel and Sandro Sessarego (eds.), pp. 155–180 | Chapter
This chapter studies declarative intonation using the Autosegmental-Metrical model of intonational phonology in four Afro-Hispanic varieties: Chinchano, Chocó, Chota Valley, and Yungueño. We analyze the inventory of pitch accents, intermediate phrase boundary tones and intonational phrase boundary… read more
This study traces the semasiological development of the verb afeitar, taking into account probable intervening social and cognitive factors that contributed to several shifts in the verb’s prototypical meaning. Data collected from electronic corpora suggest the existence of three phases in the… read more