Ekaterina Aplonova

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ekaterina Aplonova plays a role.


Nikitina, Tatiana, Ekaterina Aplonova and Leonardo Contreras Roa 2023 Chapter 4. The use of interjections as a discourse phenomenon: A contrastive study of Chuvash (Turkic) and Wan (Mande)Discourse Phenomena in Typological Perspective, Barotto, Alessandra and Simone Mattiola (eds.), pp. 65–89 | Chapter
This study describes and compares two conventionalized uses of interjections in traditional narratives in Chuvash (Turkic) and Wan (Mande). First, interjections are shown to be associated with a quotative function: they help signal instances of reported speech. The use of interjections interacts… read more