Valandis Bardzokas

List of John Benjamins publications for which Valandis Bardzokas plays a role.


Subjects Pragmatics | Semantics


Morady Moghaddam, Mostafa and Valandis Bardzokas 2024 Examining teachers’ rhetorical choices: Disagreement styles in teacher-student interactionsLanguage and Dialogue 14:3, pp. 428–451 | Article
This study examines the role of disaffiliative reactions, specifically disagreement, in teacher-student interactions. Disagreement is often seen as confrontational and disruptive, but this research investigates whether it is a dispreferred act in these interactions. By analyzing teacher-student… read more
Bardzokas, Valandis 2023 Creative metaphors and non-propositional effects: An experimentPragmatics 34:4, pp. 473–500 | Article
Over the last decade there has been growing relevance-theoretic interest in the interpretation of creative metaphors. Much of this interest has focused on non-propositional aspects of interpretation: mental image effects/emotive effects. Central to this enquiry is the following question: are… read more
The current paper aims to explore the meaning of one of the most elusive discourse markers in Modern Greek rhetorical discourse: afu. To address the challenge of a thorough and parsimonious account, the relevance-theoretic model of meaning analysis is deployed. The analysis undertaken ultimately… read more