Alberto Fernández Costales

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alberto Fernández Costales plays a role.

Fernández Costales, Alberto 2018 On the reception of mobile content: New challenges in audiovisual translation researchReception Studies and Audiovisual Translation, Di Giovanni, Elena and Yves Gambier (eds.), pp. 297–319 | Chapter
The reception of translated audiovisual contents in mobile devices has been largely ignored in Translation Studies. The current chapter is intended to identify key areas and challenges for research in Audiovisual Translation, so we can have a better understanding of how mobile contents are received… read more
Fernández Costales, Alberto 2017 On the sociolinguistics of video games localisation: Localising games into minority languages in SpainGame Localisation, Zhang, Xiaochun and Samuel Strong (eds.), pp. 120–140 | Article
This paper addresses the localization of video games into minority languages by presenting a qualitative study which reports on interviews with professional game localizers and translation scholars from bilingual territories in Spain: the Balearic Islands, the Basque Country, Catalonia, Galicia,… read more
Abstract/Résumé Dans le contexte de la société de l’information et de la mondialisation, les nouvelles technologies permettent aux usagers de jouer un rôle proactif dans la création, la modification et la distribution de contenus sur Internet. Cet article explore les phénomènes du crowdsourcing et… read more