Pedro Oliveira

List of John Benjamins publications for which Pedro Oliveira plays a role.


Cruz, Marisa, Pedro Oliveira, Pedro Palma, Bruno Neto and Sónia Frota 2017 Chapter 3. Building a prosodic profile of European Portuguese varieties: The challenge of mapping intonation and rhythmStudies on Variation in Portuguese, Barbosa, Pilar, Maria da Conceição de Paiva and Celeste Rodrigues (eds.), pp. 81–110 | Chapter
In the present paper we explore a methodology to map prosodic variation in Portuguese, namely intonation and rhythm, which goes beyond the traditional approaches used to represent segmental, lexical or syntactic variation. To find the most adequate mapping method for intonation and rhythm, we… read more
Oliveira, Pedro, Marisa Cruz, Nuno Paulino and Marina Vigário 2017 Chapter 2. Glide insertion to break a hiatus across words in European Portuguese: The role of prosodic, geographic and sociolinguistic factorsStudies on Variation in Portuguese, Barbosa, Pilar, Maria da Conceição de Paiva and Celeste Rodrigues (eds.), pp. 49–80 | Chapter
Glide insertion to breakhiatus has long been reported in the literature to occur in the Northern and Central varieties of Portuguese but this has not been systematically investigated before. From a larger corpus of speech material collected in several locations in the North and Center of Portugal,… read more