Hugo Sanjurjo-González
List of John Benjamins publications for which Hugo Sanjurjo-González plays a role.
Chapter 3. Hansard at Huddersfield: Streamlined corpus methods and interactive visualisations to pursue research aims beyond corpus linguistics Exploring Language and Society with Big Data: Parliamentary discourse across time and space, Korhonen, Minna, Haidee Kotze and Jukka Tyrkkö (eds.), pp. 89–117 | Chapter
2023 This chapter describes one project’s approach to fostering uptake of corpus tools in research beyond corpus linguistics. It introduces the Hansard at Huddersfield web application, a new search tool that combines tried-and-tested corpus tools with interactive visualisations to make Hansard, the… read more
Authoring support for Spanish language writers: A genre-restricted case study Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 34:2, pp. 671–711 | Article
2021 Authoring support consists of (semi)automated aids to be used at different stages during the writing process. Language information, however, tends to be restricted to areas such as spelling and grammar checking or term banks, and text construction difficulties that writers face concerning the… read more
P-ACTRES 2.0: A parallel corpus for cross-linguistic research Parallel Corpora for Contrastive and Translation Studies: New resources and applications, Doval, Irene and M. Teresa Sánchez Nieto (eds.), pp. 215–231 | Chapter
2019 This chapter describes an updated version of the ACTRES Parallel Corpus (P-ACTRES 2.0), an English-Spanish bidirectional corpus that contains over 4 million words. The composition of the corpus is recounted, regarding the number of words in each direction, and the types of texts included together… read more