Anders Holmberg

List of John Benjamins publications for which Anders Holmberg plays a role.



Pidgins and Creoles beyond Africa-Europe Encounters

Edited by Isabelle Buchstaller, Anders Holmberg and Mohammad Almoaily

[Creole Language Library, 47] 2014. v, 178 pp.
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Creole studies | Theoretical linguistics
Holmberg, Anders and Balázs Surányi 2024 PrefaceJournal of Uralic Linguistics 3:1, pp. 1–3 | Introduction
Holmberg, Anders and Balázs Surányi 2022 Editorial forewordJournal of Uralic Linguistics 1:1, pp. 1–3 | Editorial

This article introduces the Journal of Uralic Linguistics, outlining its motivations, aims and scope. It also provides a brief overview of the contents of the inaugural issue, which contains four research papers by leading scholars in the field.

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Almoaily, Mohammad, Anders Holmberg and Isabelle Buchstaller 2014 IntroductionPidgins and Creoles beyond Africa-Europe Encounters, Buchstaller, Isabelle, Anders Holmberg and Mohammad Almoaily (eds.), pp. 1–6 | Article
Holmberg, Anders 2010 Referring to yourself in self-talkStructure Preserved: Studies in syntax for Jan Koster, Zwart, Jan-Wouter and Mark de Vries (eds.), pp. 185–192 | Article
It is argued that the structure of the sentence in English as well as Finnish is C [Pol [T...]], where Pol(arity) has negative or affirmative value. Yes/no questions are derived, universally, by movement of a wh-marked Pol to C, deriving an operator-variable relation between C and Pol. No category… read more
Holmberg, Anders 2000 Deriving OV Order in FinnishThe Derivation of VO and OV, Svenonius, Peter (ed.), pp. 123–152 | Article
Holmberg, Anders 1997 IntroductionClitics, Pronouns and Movement, Black, James R. and Virginia Motapanyane (eds.), pp. 9–22 | Miscellaneous
Holmberg, Anders and Görel Sandström 1996 Scandinavian Possessive constructions from a Northern Swedish viewpointMicroparametric Syntax and Dialect Variation, Black, James R. and Virginia Motapanyane (eds.), pp. 95–120 | Article